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Course plan

Course credits 3 Hp

Education level: Third cycle

Grade: Fail/Pass; U/G

Subject: Water governance

Swedish name: Organisering och styrning för hållbara vattentjänster

Entry requirements: This course is open for PhD students and interested participants from the water industry

Course examiner: Anna Thomasson

Course aims:

At the end of the course you should be able to:

•  Understand the context in which water services are governed and managed and the implication of that context for governance as well as management of water services.

•   Understand and explain concepts related to system thinking, governance and financing.

•   Understand how water services are financed and the implication of different financial solutions.

•   Understand and explain different type of organizational solutions for water services as well as explain the implication of different solutions.

Course content:

The course gives the fundamental knowledge of the conditions under which water services are governed and managed. The course also provides knowledge about financial solutions for water services and different organizational models. You will also learn how to evaluate different types of organizational solutions.

Course activities:

The course consists of a combination of online meetings and seminars. The students are expected to read and prepare material for each seminar.


The students will be evaluated based on activities on seminars, hand in preparation and a final paper. 80% of the grade is based on the final paper and the remaining 20% on hand-ins and activity in seminars.

Course Teacher(s)

Anna Thomasson


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