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Course schedule

DAY 1 (Tuesday 12th March 2024)


09.30-10.00     Coffee and registration


10.00-10.30      Presentation of the course and the participants. Expectations – course. Exercise – Future trends. (KJ)

Driving forces, potential and visions

10.30-12.00      Basis for the wastewater systems we have today. Current driving forces and potentials. Visions and strategies for wastewater treatment. (KJ)

Introduction to homework for PhD students (find partners during lunch) (KJ)

12.00-13.00 Lunch

Nitrogen and phosphorus removal and new processes

13.00-14.30      New nitrogen removal processes - nitritation, denitritation, anammox. New nitrogen outlet demands. Advanced reject water treatment (AKV)

14.30-16.00      Exercise: Nitrogen removal, carbon source and nitrogen mass balance.incl. coffe break and summary (AKV)

16.00- 16.45    Biofilm processes for wastewater treatment: MBBR, Aerobic Granular Sludge, MABR (MP)

16.45-17.30      Advanced control (AKV)

17.30   AW

18.30 Dinner

DAY 2 (Tuesday 13th of March 2024)


Microorganisms in wastewater and separation technologies

8.30-9.00          Phosphorus removal processes, hydrolysis and recovery. New phosphorus outlet demand and need for polishing. (KJ)

9.00-10.00        Separation technologies, incl. membranes, DMF (MC)

10.00-10.30      Pause

Removal of micropollutants and water reuse

10.30-12.00      Removal of micropollutants incl. PFAS and microplastics from wastewater and sludge. Source control. (PF)

12.00-13.00      Lunch

13.00-13.30      Reuse of water (JKA)

Final sludge treatment technologies

13.30-14.30      Anaerobic digestion and final sludge treatment (land application, pyrolysis, incineration, HTL) (ÅD)

14.30-15.00 Coffee break

Energy and CO2 neutrality

15.00-17.00 Energy producing and CO2 neutral wastewater treatment (incl. carbon footprint) plus discussion exercise (JKA)


17.00-18.00     Social event


DAY 3 (Wednesday 14th of March 2024)


08.30-09.30      Bulking sludge control (KJ)

09.30-10.30      Application of new microbiological methods in wastewater treatment systems. (FP)

10.30-11.00 Paus

Holistic transformation towards environmental sustainability

11.00-11.30      Practical experiences with measurement and reduction of N2O and methane emissions (JKA)

11.30-12.00      Simple tools for evaluation of carbon footprint from WWTP (DL)

12.00-13.00      Lunch

13.00-14.00      Exercise carbon footprint calculation (DL)

14.00-14.30      Introduction to LCA, Eco-efficiency and MCA in wastewater treatment (JKA)

14.30-15.00      LCA and MCA for evaluation for different technology concepts incl. coffee break (JKA)

15.00-15.30      New challenges, Climate change, New cities. Infiltration/Inflow. CSO. (KJ)

15.30-16.00     Exercise

16.00-16.30      Evaluation, Closing (KJ)



Course coordinators

Karin Jönsson(KJ), Associate professor in Water and Environmental Engineering at Lund university

Jeanette Agertved Madsen (JAM), Head of R&D Wastewater at EnviDan


Jacob Kragh Andersen (JKA)

Michael Cimbritz (MC)

Åsa Davidsson (ÅD)

Per Falås (PF)

Dag Lorick (DL)

Frank Persson (FP)

Maria Piculell (MP)

Anna Katrine Vangsgaard (AKV)



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